Schools, Colleges & Universities

Schools, Colleges & Universities

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We clear and clean schools, colleges & universities by removing, disposing and recycling all office & domestic waste, kitchen, canteen and electronic equipment in accordance with environmental regulations.

Like hospitals, schools require specialist clearance knowledge.

Leased and hired equipment must be made ready for collection by the owners. IT equipment needs to be securely wiped on site, and often value must be recovered from residual assets. We can arrange for leased equipment to be collected, swipe data on IT equipment & securely dispose of disks to recover the maximum value from residual assets.

Assets can also be relocated to other establishments or to charities. We can arrange storage and transport equipment to the recipients anywhere in the UK.

Contact us for a free consultation

BCL offers a comprehensive, legally compliant and cost effective service for the clearance and decommissioning of void buildings and sites.

Call us on 01686 411 006 or email

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